Upcoming events
Holy Week Luncheon
Tuesday, April 15th at 11:45am
CPBC Outback
This annual event is a “Soup and Sandwich” lunch where we gather to fellowship and listen to a devotion from a local pastor. This year’s guest speaker is Phil Waldrep with Phil Waldrep Ministries. There’s no charge for this luncheon, but we do ask some of our church members to contribute either a crock pot of soup or some sandwiches for the event.
CPKids Glow In The Dark Egg Hunt
Friday, April 18th from 6pm-7:30pm
Join us for our 4th annual Glow in the Dark Egg Hunt! This Free event is for kids 6th grade and under. We will have games, crafts, GOOD candy, and more! This event is free. Make plans to join us.
Easter Sunday Service
Sunday, April 20th at 10:30am
You and your family are invited to join us as we celebrate the Risen Savior! We will gather in the Worship Center at 10:30am. Childcare will be provided for 5 years and under.